Snow is precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes. Since it is composed of small rough particles it is a granular material. It has an open and therefore soft structure, unless packed by external pressure. Snow is commonly formed when water vapor undergoes deposition high in the atmosphere at a temperature of less than 0°C (32°F), and then falls to the ground.

CBC Trail & Neds Atomic Dustbin

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Downhill Riding is serious. The preparations are intense and thus riders are usually in their own "headspace" focusing solely on what lies ahead.. Here is an example of such focus. You can see the intensity on the face of each of the 3 riders as they prepare to ride.


All the preparation in the world cannot prepare a rider for the dreaded flat tire. ESPECIALLY if you got a boo boo on your finger doing dishes prior to the ride. Here Glade S. attempts to fix his first of TWO flat tires on our ride. Eventually he asked for help from his willing and able friends.

Despite the helmet, sometimes the GRIN is still visible. Especially when laughing at the misfortune of a fellow riders flat tire.



  • jcmeldrum at gmail dot com
  • vancouver bc canada