Snow is precipitation in the form of crystalline water ice, consisting of a multitude of snowflakes. Since it is composed of small rough particles it is a granular material. It has an open and therefore soft structure, unless packed by external pressure. Snow is commonly formed when water vapor undergoes deposition high in the atmosphere at a temperature of less than 0°C (32°F), and then falls to the ground.

Ride Across SK

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Day 17
Aug. 30/02
Medicine Hat AB - Gull Lake SK
Route: Hwy#1
Dist. 168.02 km
Odom. 1723.4 km Tm.
Riding 6h 19m 05s
Avg. Spd. 26.6 km/hr
Max. 45.0 km/hr

Tail winds pushed me along all morning. I traveled the 1st 100 kilometers today in 3hrs 30min, I felt great. Stopped in Irvine for some water, yuck... not very tasty. I stopped later at the Saskatchewan tourist info center for better water, also stopped in Tompkins for an ice-cream cone, yummm...

It has been raining here in Gull Lake thereby awakening the mosquitoes with a vengeance.

Day 18

Aug. 31/02
Gull Lake - Moose Jaw SK
Route: Hwy#1
Dist. 237.12 km

Odom. 1960.5 km
Tm. Riding 8h 52m 49s
Avg. Spd. 26.7 km/hr
Max. 57.7 km/hr

Wow, long day... Almost 9 hours of riding. I did this in honor of the favorable tailwinds. Had breakfast in camp, then brunch a couple of hours later in Swift Currents Smitty's. The day was so long that it seemed to blend together into one big haze.

Moose Jaw is a nice town despite the high cost of camping. Fifteen fifty for a lone cyclist to pitch his tent next to a bunch of RVs! Ah, but there was a shower and I was too tired to look elsewhere.

I spoke to an RV'er from behind my bug netting, he invited me in for a beer. Bob and Valerie were very friendly and not only did they supply me with a beer but also some desert! After a nice visit I left the warm cozy bug free RV and returned to the confines of my bivi sac. (I did not mention, in Calgary I traded my tent for a bivi sac, which is basically a glorified sleeping bag that's waterproof and has bug net). Despite the tight sleeping quarters I slept well.

Day 19
Sept. 1/02
Moose Jaw - Qu'Appelle (close to Indian Head) SK
Route: Hwy#1
Dist. 135.67 km
Odom. 2096.2 km
Tm. Riding 6h 47m 59s
Avg. Spd. 20.0 km/hr
Max. 35.5 km/hr

Today started out terribly rough. Strong headwinds (from the South East) buffeted me all the way. It was an effort just to stay around 15 kilometers/hr. It took an eternity for me to get to Regina.

Upon arrival in Regina I went directly to Macdonald’s and promptly into the restroom. I have been plagued with gastro-intestinal pains for the past 12hrs. My trip to the restroom was useless as there was no TP. So I ate my un-Happy-Meal and continued on. My next stop was the Mackenzie Art Gallery, where the restroom was more hospitable. I wandered the galleries for about an hour and a half. There was an exhibit of Canadian Paintings from WWI and WWII, very powerful paintings displaying both the glory and evil of war.

On my way out of Regina it became apparent that an important football game was about to take place. Roughrider fans were all about the town as well as many Manatobaites honking and yelling; everyone having a grand time! On my way out of town I stopped at the tourist info to ask about camping and weather forecasts. It was recommended to camp in McLean (30 kilometers away) and the forecast was 100% chance of showers.

Off I went, by now the winds had subsided and were originating from the southwest (more favorable), despite the favorable winds the skies continued to darken threatening rain. I reached McLean without getting wet; went to the campground to have a look. A very nice campground however, I was greeted with hundreds of Harley Davidson motorcycles. Now don't get me wrong Harleys are pretty cool but not much fun unless you are the one making all the noise (with earplugs in, mind you).

Judging by the number of beer bottles lying around I would not be sleeping well if I stayed around here. So, I left McLean around 4PM. Within a few minutes of leaving it started raining and I was inflicted with a flat tire about the same time. A tiny thumbtack embedded in my tire. I consider this to be my first flat tire. The previous ones on the Kettle Valley Railway I consider to be out of the ordinary and therefore not valid. Did I mention that I am covered with welts from mosquito bites and motorcycles are roaring up and down the highway?

I fixed the flat and continued on, within a half hour I reach a turn-off to Qu'Appelle (Indian Head was not far off). Apprehensively, I rode a kilometer off the Hwy to this little town. Gravel roads led me to arrows pointing to "campsite" so I followed said arrows and came to Creekside Gardens. Wow... I am very glad to have come here. The garden is at least 2 acres and very beautiful. There is a covered area, which is meant to be for preparing picnics and cooking. I snuck my bivi sac into the covered area, went and had a shower (with a hose) and made supper. I was very pleased with this campsite and nobody is here!

Day 20
Sept. 2/02
Qu'Appelle – Broadview SK
Route: Hwy#1
Dist. 112.02 km
Odom. 2208.2 km
Tm. Riding 3h 49m 47s
Avg. Spd. 29.4 km/hr

Easy going with strong tailwinds (note the avg. speed). I cycled to Broadview where I met with my Aunt Myrita, she picked me up from the highway and drove me up to their organic farm near Round Lake SK. I had a great visit with Myrita, her husband Bill and their dog Cisco. Myrita and I toured around the area, and went to the town of Esterhazy in the afternoon. We helped move Mrs. Waits into a new house (Myrita's Aunt!).

We had a great dinner and went off to bed early! Both Bill and Myrita are very busy at this time of year. Bill was out swathing the fields for most of the day. Their part of Saskatchewan was one of the least affected by the drought this year in the prairies. During the past few days I have really noticed the affects of the drought it is approaching fall and most fields had yet to be harvested and grasses were not very tall, many fields had been given up on and tilled over.


  • jcmeldrum at gmail dot com
  • vancouver bc canada